[..] L'étude de cas [swl] pesket_volantisscl

 int pesket_volantis_swl(){
   scltracefa(§, ƒ, );
   scltracefc("scl-%s (%s) : %s\n\n", sclver(), sclsec(), temps_char(0));

   // Position du 🐟 volant : 🛰 -> 🗺
   double satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m;
   double satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m;
   double satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m;
       "ISS (ZARYA)", 2021, 4, 27, 9, 28, 23.0, 1,
       &satlona_rad, &satlata_rad, &satalta_m);
       "ISS (ZARYA)", 2021, 4, 27, 9, 28, 33.0, 1,
       &satlonc_rad, &satlatc_rad, &sataltc_m);
       "ISS (ZARYA)", 2021, 4, 27, 9, 28, 43.0, 1,
       &satlone_rad, &satlate_rad, &satalte_m);

   double satlona_deg, satlata_deg, satalta_km;
   double satlonc_deg, satlatc_deg, sataltc_km;
   double satlone_deg, satlate_deg, satalte_km;
   satlona_deg=satlona_rad/π*180; satlata_deg=satlata_rad/π*180;
   satlonc_deg=satlonc_rad/π*180; satlatc_deg=satlatc_rad/π*180;
   satlone_deg=satlone_rad/π*180; satlate_deg=satlate_rad/π*180;
   satalta_km = satalta_m/103;
   sataltc_km = sataltc_m/103;
   satalte_km = satalte_m/103;

   double ctrlon_deg=-0.73, ctrlon_rad=ctrlon_deg/180*π;
   double ctrlat_deg=/*48.78*/48.0, ctrlat_rad=ctrlat_deg/180*π;
   double ctralt_m=0;
   double ctrphia_deg=-45, ctrphia_rad=ctrphia_deg/180*π;
   double ctrphic_deg=-45, ctrphic_rad=ctrphic_deg/180*π;
   double ctrphie_deg=-45, ctrphie_rad=ctrphie_deg/180*π;

   int visn = 1001;
   double *lonvisa=new double[visn], *latvisa=new double[visn];
   double *lonvisc=new double[visn], *latvisc=new double[visn];
   double *lonvise=new double[visn], *latvise=new double[visn];
   covisible(satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m, visn, lonvisa, latvisa);
   covisible(satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m, visn, lonvisc, latvisc);
   covisible(satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m, visn, lonvise, latvise);
   double *altvis=newtab<double>(visn, 0);

   rad_deg(visn, lonvisa, lonvisa); rad_deg(visn, latvisa, latvisa);
   rad_deg(visn, lonvisc, lonvisc); rad_deg(visn, latvisc, latvisc);
   rad_deg(visn, lonvise, lonvise); rad_deg(visn, latvise, latvise);

   scl::string_c imgname=scl::string_c(ƒ)+".svg",

   scl::string_c legend = "Sat. lon.=" + num_str<double>(satlona_deg) +
       " [deg], lat.=" + num_str<double>(satlata_deg) +
       " [deg], alt.=" + num_str<double>(satalta_km) + " [km];";
   legend += ";Sat. lon.=" + num_str<double>(satlonc_deg) +
       " [deg], lat.=" + num_str<double>(satlatc_deg) +
       " [deg], alt.=" + num_str<double>(sataltc_km) + " [km];";
   legend += ";Sat. lon.=" + num_str<double>(satlone_deg) +
       " [deg], lat.=" + num_str<double>(satlate_deg) +
       " [deg], alt.=" + num_str<double>(satalte_km) + " [km];";

   graf_dis(imgpath.c_str(), 1, &satlona_deg, &satlata_deg,
       "curve", visn, lonvisa, latvisa,
       "curve", 1, &satlonc_deg, &satlatc_deg,
       "curve", visn, lonvisc, latvisc,
       "curve", 1, &satlone_deg, &satlate_deg,
       "curve", visn, lonvise, latvise,
       "geographic", "flat",
       "linespec", "l*;-l;w*;-w;t*;-t", "linespecw", "-p",
       "ylabel", imgname.c_str(),
       "legend", legend.c_str(), "legcorn", "ulp",
       "linespeca", "-a", );

   int *stena=new int[visn], *stenc=new int[visn], *stene=new int[visn];
   double *xa_imsg=new double[visn], *ya_imsg=new double[visn];
   double *xc_imsg=new double[visn], *yc_imsg=new double[visn];
   double *xe_imsg=new double[visn], *ye_imsg=new double[visn];

   llag_imsg(visn, lonvisa, latvisa, altvis, satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphia_rad, stena, xa_imsg, ya_imsg);
   llag_imsg(visn, lonvisc, latvisc, altvis, satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphic_rad, stenc, xc_imsg, yc_imsg);
   llag_imsg(visn, lonvise, latvise, altvis, satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphie_rad, stene, xe_imsg, ye_imsg);

   double xaa=min<double>(visn, xa_imsg/*, stena*/),
       xea=max<double>(visn, xa_imsg/*, stena*/);
   double xac=min<double>(visn, xc_imsg/*, stenc*/),
       xec=max<double>(visn, xc_imsg/*, stenc*/);
   double xae=min<double>(visn, xe_imsg/*, stene*/),
       xee=max<double>(visn, xe_imsg/*, stene*/);
   double yaa=min<double>(visn, ya_imsg/*, stena*/),
       yea=max<double>(visn, ya_imsg/*, stena*/);
   double yac=min<double>(visn, yc_imsg/*, stenc*/),
       yec=max<double>(visn, yc_imsg/*, stenc*/);
   double yae=min<double>(visn, ye_imsg/*, stene*/),
       yee=max<double>(visn, ye_imsg/*, stene*/);

   double cxe = /*xea*/xec;
   xea=1.08*cxe; xaa=-xea; yaa=-cxe*3.08; yea=-yaa;
   cxe = xec;
   xec=1.08*cxe; xac=-xec; yac=-cxe*3.08; yec=-yac;
   cxe = xee/*xec*/;
   xee=1.00*cxe; xae=-xee; yae=-cxe*2.08; yee=-yae;

   double clon=-5.9/180*π, clat=48.0/180*π, cx, cy; int cin;
   double calt=0;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, altvis, satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphia_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   xaa=cx; xea=-xaa;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, altvis, satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphic_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   xac=cx; xec=-xac;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, altvis, satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphie_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   xae=cx; xee=-xae;

   clon=-1.5/180*π; clat=44.5/180*π;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, altvis, satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphia_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   yaa=cy; yea=-yaa;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, altvis, satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphic_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   yac=cy; yec=-yac;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, altvis, satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphie_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   yae=cy; yee=-yae;

   // Marqueurs
   double corzlon_deg=-5.093722787427713, corzlat_deg=48.45161774120933;
   clon=corzlon_deg/180*π; clat=corzlat_deg/180*π; calt=0;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlonc_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphia_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double corzxa_imsg=cx, corzya_imsg=cy;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphic_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double corzxc_imsg=cx, corzyc_imsg=cy;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphie_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double corzxe_imsg=cx, corzye_imsg=cy;
   double cordlon_deg=-1.1727046983283282, cordlat_deg=45.607012575964745;
   clon=cordlon_deg/180*π; clat=cordlat_deg/180*π; calt=0;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphia_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double cordxa_imsg=cx, cordya_imsg=cy;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphic_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double cordxc_imsg=cx, cordyc_imsg=cy;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphie_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double cordxe_imsg=cx, cordye_imsg=cy;
   double noorlon_deg=4.457614450137383, noorlat_deg=52.31135124251101;
   clon=noorlon_deg/180*π; clat=noorlat_deg/180*π; calt=0;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlona_rad, satlata_rad, satalta_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphia_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double noorxa_imsg=cx, noorya_imsg=cy;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlonc_rad, satlatc_rad, sataltc_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphic_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double noorxc_imsg=cx, nooryc_imsg=cy;
   llag_imsg(1, &clon, &clat, &calt, satlone_rad, satlate_rad, satalte_m,
       ctrlon_rad, ctrlat_rad, ctralt_m, ctrphie_rad, &cin, &cx, &cy);
   double noorxe_imsg=cx, noorye_imsg=cy;

   if(xaa>corzxa_imsg){ xaa=corzxa_imsg; }
   if(xaa>cordxa_imsg){ xaa=cordxa_imsg; }
   if(xaa>noorxa_imsg){ xaa=noorxa_imsg; }
   if(xea<corzxa_imsg){ xea=corzxa_imsg; }
   if(xea<cordxa_imsg){ xea=cordxa_imsg; }
   if(xea<noorxa_imsg){ xea=noorxa_imsg; }
   /*double xr=(xea-xaa);*/
   /*xaa-=xr*15.0/100.0; xea+=xr*15.0/100.0;*/

   if(yaa>corzya_imsg){ yaa=corzya_imsg; }
   if(yaa>cordya_imsg){ yaa=cordya_imsg; }
   if(yaa>noorya_imsg){ yaa=noorya_imsg; }
   if(yea<corzya_imsg){ yea=corzya_imsg; }
   if(yea<cordya_imsg){ yea=cordya_imsg; }
   if(yea<noorya_imsg){ yea=noorya_imsg; }
   /*double yr=(yea-yaa);*/
   /*yaa-=yr*15.0/100.0; yea+=yr*15.0/100.0;*/
   if(xac>corzxc_imsg){ xac=corzxc_imsg; }
   if(xac>cordxc_imsg){ xac=cordxc_imsg; }
   if(xac>noorxc_imsg){ xac=noorxc_imsg; }
   if(xec<corzxc_imsg){ xec=corzxc_imsg; }
   if(xec<cordxc_imsg){ xec=cordxc_imsg; }
   if(xec<noorxc_imsg){ xec=noorxc_imsg; }
   xac-=xr*15.0/100.0; xec+=xr*15.0/100.0;*/

   if(yac>corzyc_imsg){ yac=corzyc_imsg; }
   if(yac>cordyc_imsg){ yac=cordyc_imsg; }
   if(yac>nooryc_imsg){ yac=nooryc_imsg; }
   if(yec<corzyc_imsg){ yec=corzyc_imsg; }
   if(yec<cordyc_imsg){ yec=cordyc_imsg; }
   if(yec<nooryc_imsg){ yec=nooryc_imsg; }
   yac-=yr*15.0/100.0; yec+=yr*15.0/100.0;*/

   if(xae>corzxe_imsg){ xae=corzxe_imsg; }
   if(xae>cordxe_imsg){ xae=cordxe_imsg; }
   if(xae>noorxe_imsg){ xae=noorxe_imsg; }
   if(xee<corzxe_imsg){ xee=corzxe_imsg; }
   if(xee<cordxe_imsg){ xee=cordxe_imsg; }
   if(xee<noorxe_imsg){ xee=noorxe_imsg; }
   xae-=xr*15.0/100.0; xee+=xr*15.0/100.0;*/

   if(yae>corzye_imsg){ yae=corzye_imsg; }
   if(yae>cordye_imsg){ yae=cordye_imsg; }
   if(yae>noorye_imsg){ yae=noorye_imsg; }
   if(yee<corzye_imsg){ yee=corzye_imsg; }
   if(yee<cordye_imsg){ yee=cordye_imsg; }
   if(yee<noorye_imsg){ yee=noorye_imsg; }
   yae-=yr*15.0/100.0; yee+=yr*15.0/100.0;*/

   double cntrxa=/*(xaa+xea)/2.0*/0, cntrya=/*(yaa+yea)/2.0*/0;
   double cntrxc=/*(xac+xec)/2.0*/0, cntryc=/*(yac+yec)/2.0*/0;
   double cntrxe=/*(xae+xee)/2.0*/0, cntrye=/*(yae+yee)/2.0*/0;
   double corzxa = xaa +               145.0/(3712.0-1)*(xea-xaa);
   double corzxc = xac +               145.0/(3712.0-1)*(xec-xac);
   double corzxe = xae +               145.0/(3712.0-1)*(xee-xae);
   double corzya = yaa + (5568.0-1-3581.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yea-yaa);
   double corzyc = yac + (5568.0-1-3581.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yec-yac);
   double corzye = yae + (5568.0-1-3581.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yee-yae);
   double cordxa = xaa +              2114.0/(3712.0-1)*(xea-xaa);
   double cordxc = xac +              2114.0/(3712.0-1)*(xec-xac);
   double cordxe = xae +              2114.0/(3712.0-1)*(xee-xae);
   double cordya = yaa + (5568.0-1-4967.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yea-yaa);
   double cordyc = yac + (5568.0-1-4967.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yec-yac);
   double cordye = yae + (5568.0-1-4967.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yee-yae);
   double noorxa = xaa +              2289.0/(3712.0-1)*(xea-xaa);
   double noorxc = xac +              2289.0/(3712.0-1)*(xec-xac);
   double noorxe = xae +              2289.0/(3712.0-1)*(xee-xae);
   double noorya = yaa + (5568.0-1- 894.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yea-yaa);
   double nooryc = yac + (5568.0-1- 894.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yec-yac);
   double noorye = yae + (5568.0-1- 894.0)/(5568.0-1)*(yee-yae);

   scl::string_c phgname="51150007261_55f0f03ddd_o.jpg.png",

   imgname.clear(); imgname=scl::string_c(ƒ)+"-augmia.pdf";
   imgpath.clear(); imgpath="./srt/"+imgname;
   scl::string_c subtitle = "Satellite lon.=" + num_str<double>(satlona_deg) +
       " [deg], lat.=" + num_str<double>(satlata_deg) +
       " [deg], alt.=" + num_str<double>(satalta_km) + " [km]";

   phot_dis(imgpath.c_str(), phgpath.c_str(),
       "curve", 1, &cntrxa, &cntrya,
       "curve", 1, &corzxa, &corzya, "curve", 1, &corzxa_imsg, &corzya_imsg,
       "curve", 1, &cordxa, &cordya, "curve", 1, &cordxa_imsg, &cordya_imsg,
       "curve", 1, &noorxa, &noorya, "curve", 1, &noorxa_imsg, &noorya_imsg,
       "linespec", "l*;ld;l+;ld;l+;ld;l+",
       "pxmin", xaa, "pxmax", xea,
       "pymin", yaa, "pymax", yea,
       "geographic", "imsg", "linespecw", "-l",
       "ylabel", imgname.c_str(), "subtitle", subtitle.c_str(),
       "image", "inaxis",
       "satlonrad", satlona_rad, "satlatrad", satlata_rad,
       "sataltm", satalta_m,
       "cntrlonrad", ctrlon_rad, "cntrlatrad", ctrlat_rad,
       "cntraltm", ctralt_m,  "cntrphirad", ctrphia_rad,
       "linespeca", "-a", );

   imgname.clear(); imgname=scl::string_c(ƒ)+"-augmic.pdf";
   imgpath.clear(); imgpath="./srt/"+imgname;
   subtitle = "Satellite lon.=" + num_str<double>(satlonc_deg) +
       " [deg], lat.=" + num_str<double>(satlatc_deg) +
       " [deg], alt.=" + num_str<double>(sataltc_km) + " [km]";
   phot_dis(imgpath.c_str(), phgpath.c_str(),
       "curve", 1, &cntrxc, &cntryc,
       "curve", 1, &corzxc, &corzyc, "curve", 1, &corzxc_imsg, &corzyc_imsg,
       "curve", 1, &cordxc, &cordyc, "curve", 1, &cordxc_imsg, &cordyc_imsg,
       "curve", 1, &noorxc, &nooryc, "curve", 1, &noorxc_imsg, &nooryc_imsg,
       "linespec", "w*;wd;w+;wd;w+;wd;w+",
       "pxmin", xac, "pxmax", xec, "pymin", yac, "pymax", yec,
       "geographic", "imsg", "linespecw", "-w",
       "ylabel", imgname.c_str(), "subtitle", subtitle.c_str(),
       "image", "inaxis",
       "satlonrad", satlonc_rad, "satlatrad", satlatc_rad,
       "sataltm", sataltc_m,
       "cntrlonrad", ctrlon_rad, "cntrlatrad", ctrlat_rad,
       "cntraltm", ctralt_m,  "cntrphirad", ctrphic_rad,
       "linespeca", "-a", );

   imgname.clear(); imgname=scl::string_c(ƒ)+"-augmie.pdf";
   imgpath.clear(); imgpath="./srt/"+imgname;
   subtitle = "Satellite lon.=" + num_str<double>(satlone_deg) +
       " [deg], lat.=" + num_str<double>(satlate_deg) +
       " [deg], alt.=" + num_str<double>(satalte_km) + " [km]";

   phot_dis(imgpath.c_str(), phgpath.c_str(),
       "curve", 1, &cntrxe, &cntrye,
       "curve", 1, &corzxe, &corzye, "curve", 1, &corzxe_imsg, &corzye_imsg,
       "curve", 1, &cordxe, &cordye, "curve", 1, &cordxe_imsg, &cordye_imsg,
       "curve", 1, &noorxe, &noorye, "curve", 1, &noorxe_imsg, &noorye_imsg,
       "linespec", "t*;td;t+;td;t+;td;t+",
       "pxmin", xae, "pxmax", xee, "pymin", yae, "pymax", yee,
       "geographic", "imsg", "linespecw", "-t",
       "ylabel", imgname.c_str(), "subtitle", subtitle.c_str(),
       "image", "inaxis",
       "satlonrad", satlone_rad, "satlatrad", satlate_rad,
       "sataltm", satalte_m,
       "cntrlonrad", ctrlon_rad, "cntrlatrad", ctrlat_rad,
       "cntraltm", ctralt_m,  "cntrphirad", ctrphie_rad,
       "linespeca", "-a", );

   delete[] lonvisc; lonvisc=; delete[] latvisc; latvisc=;
   imgname.clear(); imgpath.clear(); phgname.clear(); phgpath.clear();

   scltracefe(§, ƒ, );
   return 0;
 /* ƒ décorée par 🔬 le 06-04-2024 00:02:12 */

Credits: ESA/NASA-T.Pesquet ©️
          scl-24.04 (gwin64) : 06-04-2024 00:02:12

            'ISS (ZARYA)':
              - Right Ascension of the Ascending Node: 195.090800 [deg]
              - Orbital Inclination: 51.642900 [deg]
              - Argument of Perigee: 320.000400 [deg]
              - Orbital eccentricity: 0.000269
              - Mean motion: 15.489802 [rev/d]
              - Mean anomaly: 69.647400 [deg]
            'ISS (ZARYA)':
              - Right Ascension of the Ascending Node: 195.090800 [deg]
              - Orbital Inclination: 51.642900 [deg]
              - Argument of Perigee: 320.000400 [deg]
              - Orbital eccentricity: 0.000269
              - Mean motion: 15.489802 [rev/d]
              - Mean anomaly: 69.647400 [deg]
            'ISS (ZARYA)':
              - Right Ascension of the Ascending Node: 195.090800 [deg]
              - Orbital Inclination: 51.642900 [deg]
              - Argument of Perigee: 320.000400 [deg]
              - Orbital eccentricity: 0.000269
              - Mean motion: 15.489802 [rev/d]
              - Mean anomaly: 69.647400 [deg]

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